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High Quality Carob Products


The Carob is one of the oldest plants on earth and is classified as a member of the Leguminosia family. Amongst the people it is also known as "harnup" and "boynuz".

The Carob is a typical plant of regions which have Mediterranean climatic conditions. Southern Anatolia, Syria, Israel and Libya can be regarded as its homeland. In Turkey Carob is produced naturally along a coastal strip of approximately 1900 km in length around Tarsus, Mersin, Silifke, Gülnar, Anamur, Antalya, Demre and Datça.

Various domestic and wild varieties grow in Turkey. If we look at the past of the Carob, although it has only been used in bakery products in Britain for the past 20 years, the history of its use stretches back to the ancient Egyptians. In addition, the Romans are known to have eaten this plant when green because of its natural sugar content.

Carob Powder

Carob Products
